Format table

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Two fields are linked to this lookup table: Video.Format and Want List.Format.

Format (Text 50)

Type the format description, for example "VHS", "DVD" or "Blu-Ray".

Format ID (Numeric)

This is an unique ID number that is assigned to each record in the table. You cannot edit this field.

Format Group (Text)

You can link each format to a format group. Use these format groups, for example, when creating statistics reports.

Format Image (Numeric)

From this list you can select a small icon that is shown in the contents list in the 'Video Edit' window.

Marked (Yes/No)

This field indicates whether the record is marked or not.

Notes (Memo)

This memo field is for your own notes.

Sort by (Text 52)

This text value is used when sorting on a field linked to this lookup table.

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