Want List table

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The Want List table allows you to keep tracks of books you intend to buy.

Author (Text 50 - lookup)

The author name(s).

Binding (Text 50 - lookup)

The binding (Hardcover, Paperback, etc.).

ISBN (Text 25)

The ISBN number (International Standard Book Number).

Marked (Yes/No)

This field indicates whether the record is marked or not.

Notes (Memo)

This field is for your own notes.

Order Date (Date)

The date you ordered the book.

Ordered From (Text 50 - lookup)

The store you have ordered the book from.

Price (Numeric)

The price you paid.

Priority (Numeric)

The priority; 1, 2, or 3.

Publisher (Text 50 - lookup)

The name of the publisher.

Publish Date (Date)

The publish date. If you don't know the day and month, just specify the year.

Release No (Numeric)

If the book is part of a series, use this field to specify the release number.

Series (Text 50 - lookup)

If the book is part of a series, specify the name of the series in this field.

Title (Text 150)

The title.

Title Sort (Text 150)

The sort title  When you tab out of the Title field (or save the changes), BookCAT will automatically fill in the Title Sort field if it is empty.

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